Meet Amina

Meet Amina B, one of our summer interns. Amina is a Junior Women’s Gender and Sexuality Studies major at Georgia State, driven to create systemic and communal changes from an intersectional approach. She began her journey in high school where she attended Meadowcreek High School and was made aware of the various challenges students face within the school system, particularly those in Gwinnett County.

Inspired to create change by the stories of students, friends, and family, and their experiences within the school system, Amina has dedicated her time to advocacy work for dismantling the school to prison pipeline. Black liberation and freedom are top priorities for Amina in her pursuance of justice and working with Gwinnett SToPP has given her an outlet to make those visions a reality for children and teens in her community.

Amina plans to continue working hard to fight systemic injustices while also providing and prioritizing healing opportunities and tools for those who are recovering from their own challenges and traumas, because the fight for justice doesn’t end when we are free, but when we are also healed from our oppression.